Pola & Massa - Machines for PCBs surface preparation - Titolo sito CMS (EN)


Experiences and professionalism have been representing the underlying philosophy of the Pola e Massa proposals. In fact, the company very often works in harness with customers providing a dedicated support in investments assessments and not only simply supplying requested equipment.
Main goal is to support each customer offering customized solutions perfectly in line with its own needs and able to summarize the whole Pola e Massa know-how in term of processing equipment, automation systems, tools and manufacturing techniques.
But this is not enough and Pola e Massa wants to exceed it, assisting customers in their own long-term growing process, creating stable and successful relationships.

Multi skilled engineers are at your entire disposal for:

  • Lay-out analysis and process design
  • Manufacturing process, preventive analysis and feasibility studies
  • System integration
  • Evaluation of the existing technologies
  • Dedicated software